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New Brewery Addition - Beau's All Natural

When we were building this business last year we received a lot of help and guidance from both Operation Come Home and Beau's All Natural Brewery. They fully supported the idea of helping get great beer into the hands of more customers like you. Our main concern in talking to them was to make sure they knew, not only did we love craft beer as much as them (Ok well...maybe not as much as Steve Beauchesne), but we also had no intention of trying to replace their BYBO service.  Further to that we wanted to do what ever we could to help make it more successful. 

For the last 4 months we have had a direct link on our site to the Buy Your Beau's Online service.  Our hope was to send anyone interested in getting a delivery of Beau's to the service so that the initiative would thrive.  All that being said, since we began the most common requests we have gotten is to add the Beau's collection of products to our catalogue.  For that reason, and in a continued effort to support what Beau's and Operation Come Home have already created with BYBO, we are announcing that you can now add the Beau's collection of beers to a Brew Donkey order and have a $4 OCH donation added to your cart

Our hope is that this will help to raise awareness and funds for the great work that Operation Come Home is doing with the youth of Ottawa.  If in that process you also get to drink great beer, I believe that is what is know as a Win-Win situation.

To begin adding products to your order click here.

To use the BYBO service click here.

To learn more about Operation Come Home click here.

Any questions about this initiative can be sent to Brad at

Cheers and Thanks for loving craft beer!