Local Brewery Tour Operator Launches Monthly Charity Tours Series
Brew Donkey flirts with philanthropy, starting a monthly tour series donating proceeds to charities
OTTAWA, ONTARIO, May 5, 2014 – Ottawa's first licensed multi-brewery craft beer delivery
service opened for residential orders on November 28th 2013. Even before that though, Brew
Donkey had started offering regional brewery tours to showcase the Ottawa brewing scene and
help promote the upcoming delivery business.
Since the tours began they were popular with some of the bi-weekly events selling out over a
month in advance. Starting in April Brew Donkey started offering weekly tours every Saturday,
featuring different breweries on each tour. The events continued to sell out prompting the hiring of
4 tour guides to help manage an expected busy spring and summer season.
Over the first four months of operation numerous charities requested and received donations of
tours for silent auction or live auction events. These events offered the ability for Brew Donkey to
support the local community and at the same time bring attention to the brand new services
being offered. These types of events and owner Brad Campeau's past experience organizing the
monthly charity fundraiser World Beats and Eats inspired the decision to move ahead with a
monthly event in support of charities.
Brew Donkey Charity Tours will happen the first Sunday of every month starting in July. The
series launches on July 6th with a brewery tour to Domaine Perrault, Cassel Brewery and Beau's
All Natural Brewing. The event will start at 11 am and leave from a central pick up point of
Rideau and King Edward St. in the Byward Market as well as an alternative pick up at 222
Richmond Rd. in Westboro. The tour will last 6-7 hrs and will include a box lunch and all
sampling fees. The costs is $75 with the proceeds, after expenses, going to the chosen charity.
The expenses for each event will be deducted from the ticket sales to make sure the event is
long running and financially supports itself. At this point Stock Transportation has decided to
donate their services in support of the cause and our tour guides have committed to doing the tours
on a volunteer basis. We are currently building a list of food providers that are willing to offer
donated or discounted lunches. The current expected donation amount is 75% of ticket sales.
The first six charities have been chosen and vary in focus. They support the arts, youth,
environment, health, and humanitarian causes.
-July 6th 2014 - Galeries SAW Gallery w/ donated meals by LUNCH
-Aug. 3rd 2014 - Ottawa Food Bank w/ donated meals by Seed to Sausage
-Sept. 7th 2014 - Ottawa Riverkeeper w/ donated meals by Murray Street Kitchen
-Oct. 5th 2014 - Arthritis Society - Eastern Ontario w/ donated meals TBC
-Nov. 2nd 2014 - Parkdale Food Centre w/ donated meals TBC
-Dec. 7th 2014 - Operation Come Home w/ donated meals TBC
(613) 864-3659